Wednesday, February 7, 2018

"Audubon preserve, Martha's Vineyard" - February 7

"Audubon Preserve, Martha's Vineyard"
Oil on Canvas, 9" x 12"
 Well, this is a blast from the past. This was painted from a photo that was taken before the wicked winter, back when warm yellows and oranges existed in nature. It's funny to look at in February...the colors are a little intense! 


laurelle said...

Gorgeous buttery thick strokes of autumn color in field. Wonderful sense of depth from foreground to distant trees.

Laurie Mueller said...

I love your work for the challenge (and beyond!). This one really struck me with those brushstrokes-vertical/horizontal...I love that!

Sheila said...

Love those thick strokes, the warm golden colors, and your depth is amazing. So beautiful :)