Friday, September 29, 2017

Day 29 - "Lemon Half and a Slice"

"Lemon Half and a Slice"
8" x 6" Oil on Wood

I just saw something that needs fixing, the highlight on the cloth on the
fold closest to the right. I'll update this post when I add it, but it probably won't be 
til after the show at he library..
3 people, 30 works each. I asked Lavinia did they know they 
we're getting 90 pieces - the max is supposed to be 60. 
She said "probably." So imperturbable.

If you're reading this from halfway round the world (Laurelle for example!)
hope we can meet sometime. But if you're closer, stop in at the opening.
Mahopac Library, Sunday Oct. 8, 2-4 pm.

Bad picture but fixed the fold!


laurelle said...

Lovely as always, Sharon. The beautiful folds, so difficult to render, and the lemon slices caught in a moment of time. I wish I could stop by. One day, who knows. And remember, you have a place to visit in Spain! Loved getting to know you a bit through this month's challenge. Stay in touch. Stay well and happy.

Sheila said...

WOW, Love the crispness, and folds, just amazing :)

Carol Steinberg said...

I agree with Laurelle about the folds...and the slices. Congrats on finishing the challenge.

Robin Rosenthal said...

I love the way you painted the cloth. Everything about them is perfect.