Saturday, September 30, 2017

Day 30 - "Slice"

4" x 4," Oil on canvas

Painting this little guy was like walking a tightrope.
Every stroke was so precious. I'm very happy with it -
happy I finished without falling!

Thrilled but sad thirty paintings in thirty days is over.
The best part is going to the studio daily and getting a painting done,
no interruptions please. But it will be nice as I told my friend,
not to schedule every ten minutes of my life.

Friday, September 29, 2017

Day 29 - "Lemon Half and a Slice"

"Lemon Half and a Slice"
8" x 6" Oil on Wood

I just saw something that needs fixing, the highlight on the cloth on the
fold closest to the right. I'll update this post when I add it, but it probably won't be 
til after the show at he library..
3 people, 30 works each. I asked Lavinia did they know they 
we're getting 90 pieces - the max is supposed to be 60. 
She said "probably." So imperturbable.

If you're reading this from halfway round the world (Laurelle for example!)
hope we can meet sometime. But if you're closer, stop in at the opening.
Mahopac Library, Sunday Oct. 8, 2-4 pm.

Bad picture but fixed the fold!

Thursday, September 28, 2017

Day 28 - "Seagull"


8" x 8," Oil on Masonite

I painted this guy in the morning before work.
 So it was a bit of a rush but sometimes that's good.
Focus is intense, details are not fussed over and surprises happen.
Like all that yellow on the left, but I think it works!

Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Day 27 - "San Juan Lighthouse"

"San Juan Lighthouse"
12" x 9" Oil on Canvas

My husband was cycling with his brother and sister-in-law
up in the San Juan Islands and shot this picture for me.

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Day 26 "Pomegranates on the Tree"

"Pomegranates on the Tree"
8" x 6" Oil on Canvas

Talk about complementary colors.
Normally I'd shy away from a red-green composition,
but this doesn't bother me too much. Maybe because there is a lot of 
bright pink and blue green

I'm to deliver these 30 paintings to Mahopac Library
in 3 days, framed, labeled and well, finished. Yikes!

Monday, September 25, 2017

Day 25 - "Pears," finished

"Pears," finished
8" x 6," Oil on Wood

These were posted earlier on June 15 but I was unhappy with them. The background 
was brown but it needed to be cooler and darker. Check.
Also there was something wrong about the highlights.
Much happier now!

Sunday, September 24, 2017

Day 24 "Venice" finished

"Venice "
8" x 6," Oil on Wood

So it's day 24, twenty four pieces in a row.
I feel tired, but also that I grow as a painter by working daily.
There is flow...what I think about one day is fresh on the next. More importantly, 
I think less and paint more...which brings me to new places than I've been before.
Process takes over and rumination fades away.

Saturday, September 23, 2017

Day 23 - "Portrait of a Pear"

"Portrait of a Pear"
6" x 8" Oil on Canvas

Again I am grateful to the photographers at They are creative and generous with their work.
This pear is so beautiful a painter doesn't just do a still life,
they do a portrait!

Friday, September 22, 2017

Day 22 - "Farm in Provence"

"Farm in Provence"
8" x 6" Oil on Canvas

This is a study I did for a larger painting,
but it needed some touching up.
I just read "Lisette's List" a novel that takes place in southern France
and it's easy to fall in love with the beauty there. 
And check out Julian Merrow-Smith, an Englishman who
lives and paints there. You will fall in love with his work!

Thursday, September 21, 2017

Day 21 - "Spots"

6" x 8" Oil on Canvas

I painted this bird last January but 
it was too wet to put on the spots.
I love how they're highlighted by a lighter color, 
it makes them almost dimensional.
I never fail to be amazed at the richness of nature.

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Day 20 - "Octopus Vase Finished"

"Octopus Vase Finished"
6" x 6," Oil on Wood

I saw this vase in a museum and fell in love with it.
Of course I kept no record so I have no idea who, where or when.
My vote goes with some Greek Island in the seventh century.
Of course it could be contemporary! 
Anyway my way of absorbing it is to paint it.
I like thinking about the anonymous artist who designed the octopus.

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Day 19 "Lemon Quarters"

"Lemon Quarters"
7" x 5" Oil on Canvas 

I am really getting into how lemons are backlit from outside my kitchen window.
It's a painter-thing most people don't notice.
: )
Hmm..wondering if it's okay to use sideway smiley things on a blog!

Monday, September 18, 2017

Day 18 - "Zinnias from the Garden"

  "Zinnias from the Garden"
6" x 8" - Oil on Canvas

I've done zinnias a handful of times but I'm happier 
with these. I do think I'll darken the background later and will repost.
I'm having a show with Lavinia Wiggins and Peg Taylor,
both of whom are taking on this challenge. 
So this means on September 30th I am to deliver 30 framed and catalogued
pieces. Paint faster! Today I framed 11 paintings.

Sunday, September 17, 2017

"Goose Off-Balance," 8" x 10"
Oil on Canvas

I should live in the country, I love animals! Check out Ginny Butcher's amazing cow
portraits, they are so beautiful. A highlight of my childhood was spending several weeks a year
on my dear aunt's farm. I remember there was this one awful cow I was afraid of...
until I found out she was the friendliest and just wanted a good scratching.

Saturday, September 16, 2017

Day 16 "Lemon and Slices"

"Lemon and Slices," 8" x 6"
Oil on Canvas

It's Saturday and I finished painting this morning wishing in time to make it to yoga
but that didn't happen. It was worth it though, I'll excercise later.
For now it's a beautiful day and I'llbrainy again later!

Friday, September 15, 2017

Day 15, finally halfway! - Bird"

"Bird," 6" x 6"
Oil on Board

I don't know what kind of bird this is...well, I just did a search and it has to be a
red-bellied woodpecker. Thanks google! I got the photo from
I love that site.

Thursday, September 14, 2017

Day 14 - "Sliced Lemon in Light"

"Sliced Lemon in Light"
7" x 5," Oil on Canvas

So this painting was looking dead and until I 
realized there needed to be more light and reflection
on the cut plane. Now I'm very happy with it!

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Day 13 "House on the Hudson, Peekskill, NY"

"House on the Hudson, Peekskill, NY"
 10" x 8"
Oil on Canvas
I've said this before, I love houses with water behind them. They just seem so peaceful.
I'm lucky to live by the Hudson River so I see a lot of beautiful water views.
If the light is right I stop and take a picture.

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Day 12 - "Six Eggs in a Deco Bowl"

"Six Eggs in a Deco Bowl"
8" x 10," oil on canvas.

Painting one egg is hard because they're just so darn perfect. 
Why did I paint six?? but they turned out fine.
So did the bowl with its in and out rim. I bought it at a tag sale in Peekskill from a warehouse
that stores stuff to rent to filmmakers. Maybe this bowl was in an Oscar winning movie!
Guess Art Deco bowls aren't in demand by set designers anymore.

Monday, September 11, 2017

Day 11 - "Lemon on a French Dishcloth"

"Lemon on a French Dishcloth"
6" x 6," oil on board

 I painted first thing this morning, before breakfast. 
I always think that's a great time to work, but it doesn't happen often!
Eggs are next, but more lemons are soon to come.

Sunday, September 10, 2017

Day 10, "Lemons & a Slice"

"Lemon & a Slice," 8" x 6"
I'm not done with lemons yet.
This is such a small painting and yet so intricate - it was like putting together
a jigsaw puzzle - still, I wanted to keep it simple.
Funny when finished painting for the day, I look at everything in paint.
 My black cat Maxi just jumped on my lap, and I saw the highlights 
on his fur as light gray paint strokes!

Friday, September 8, 2017

Day 8 - "Seagull"

"Seagull," 8" x 8"
Oil on Masonite

Well, here he is. Birds are so cute. Until you paint them. Then their  eyes get beady, 
and their weird bony skulls look more like velociraptors then anything 
you'd want as a pet. But they are beautiful wonderful creatures. 
This guy looks a little on the small side, maybe he's a juvenile.

Thursday, September 7, 2017

Day 7...already? "Seagull"

"Seagull," - underpainting  8" x 8"
Oil on Masonite

So this is my post, it's not finished.
But there is often something magical about an underpainting.
Maybe it's something to do with the edges. The best finished paintings have the muscularity 
of nice thick paint with the gorgeous sensitivity of a thin wash.

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Day six - "The Shell, III"

"The Shell, III"
6" x 8" Oil on Canvas

This will probably be my last painting of this shell for now.
I wanted a dark background for the drama, especially to highlight
the gorgeous white edge of the cavernous entrance to this creature's domicile.
I'm sure that the creators of the film "Alien" got some of their inspiration 
from shells, a movie that my husband still has scars on his hand from when I scratched
him in mortal terror.   or so he says ;)

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

"Shell II," 6" x 6"
Oil on Wood

I decided to paint this again, I love when I do that! I'm usually happier
the second time though not always, and it's interesting
how different they often are. This one's looser and I'm looking
more at the way he light falls rather than the idea of a shell.

Monday, September 4, 2017


"Shell," 8" x 6" 
Oil on canvas

This shell is kind of sinewy and organic. What a mystery it is
that a slug-like creature constructs this strange, protective abode.
Home Sweet Home!

Sunday, September 3, 2017

Day 3 of the 30 day challenge "Apple & a Half"

I can get waay too fussy with apples. But the nice thing about doing a painting-a-day 
is that it's hard to beat a painting to death when you just need to get it done!
"Apple and a Half," 8" x 6."
oil on canvas

Saturday, September 2, 2017

8" x 6" - Oil on Canvas
I like to paint birds. But I also love things man made. So it was cool to run into this group of decoys or bird statues or whatever they are, and I just couldn't resist painting them! I guess my painting could be added to my dear old friend Avory's collection of things that are copies of things that are copies of things.

Friday, September 1, 2017

"Vase with Octopus," 6" x 6."

Here is the first post for 30 Paintings in 30 Days, September 2017!
Thanks Leslie Saeta for hosting this. It really gets me beyond myself with the constant challenge to post daily. Painting becomes more demanding but guess what? becomes more fun!

Ok, where's the octopus? It's just too late and the painting should dry first so...later! I think the pottery is gorgeous without the decoration too.

Sunday, August 13, 2017

"Brook Street, Croton," 12" x 9," Oil on Canvas

Okay, I like this painting. It is my second shot at the subject.
(My first try hasn't seen the light of day.)
However, I would really like the hill just past the street to glow!
I may try it yet one more time.
But I do like the way the sky plays with all those trees.