Monday, December 20, 2021

Zinnias in December


“Zinnias in December”
4” x 6”, Oil on Linen

I used to plant zinnias in the community garden and they were always such a delight. 

Thursday, December 9, 2021

Winter Sunning

“Winter Sunning”
Oil on Wood, 6”x6”

I’ve updated this painting done in 2020…Funny how fascinating birds can be.


Sunday, October 10, 2021

Saturday, August 21, 2021

Monday, August 16, 2021

Oregon U-Pick


“Oregon U-Pick”
Oil on Wood, 6” x 8”

My sister in law and I went on a beautiful summer day to Sauvie’s Island. There was so much to choose from. I’m not sure how long these guys can stay in business, it’s harder for them than it used to be.

Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Oregon Field


“Oregon Field”
Oil on Linen, 6” x 12”

First an underpainting then next day, the rest.

Sunday, August 1, 2021

Bird in Water

“Bird in Water”
Oil on Canvas, 8” x 6”

Again, I would be grateful if someone would let me know what kind of bird this is!
Update: I touched up this image…basically cleaning it up and adding highlights. Final finishing touches can add so much to a painting, in clarity and impact.


Sunday, May 9, 2021

Orchid on a Snowy Day

“Orchid on a Snowy Day”
Oil on Canvas, 8” x 8”

I managed to finish this in two sessions. I focused on the crazy leaf patterns accented by those wild “air roots.” Yes, I had to look that up. 

Monday, April 12, 2021

Kitchen Junk Drawer

“Kitchen Junk Drawer”
Oil on Canvas, 9” x 12”, On Hold
I poured far more love into this painting than I planned. Who can really care for a junk drawer? Well, I have to say I have more feelings about my drawer full of tools and odds & ends than I ever had before. Tools really are beautiful objects, and we grow so attached to them because they help us get things done.


Friday, February 19, 2021

Out West


“Out West”
Oil on Canvas Board, 8” x 10”

A beautiful western field in the spring, I really wanted to capture depth in this painting.

Sunday, November 1, 2020

Eggs in a Deco Bowl


“Eggs in a Deco Bowl”
Oil on Canvas, 8” x 10”

Another painting that I reworked to bring up the highlights, and capture the effect of the eggs reflecting the green of the bowl. I could continue to work on this endlessly but for now, I’m done.
P.S. I bought this Art Deco bowl at a tag sale in Peekskill from a warehouse that rents props to filmmakers. I am sure I once saw it in a thin man movie...    : )

Monday, September 7, 2020

Monday, August 31, 2020

Lemon & a Slice


“Lemon & a Slice”
Oil on Canvas Board, 6” x 8”

One of my favorite and earliest subjects.

Thursday, August 27, 2020

Four Pears in a Handmade Bowl

“Four Pears in a Handmade Bowl”
Oil on Canvas Board, 8” x 10”

If you want a bowl like this, you have to drive a Jeep high into the mountains above Todos Santos, Mexico and visit La Candelaria. Lorena, who is originally from Oregon, will give you a tour of her home and work area, and describe the self-glazing technique of previous generations that she learned from elderly artisans. She fires her work in a pit filled with a favorite local fuel, which is produced by the roaming cows. We love this bowl and I can’t believe it is the first time I’ve painted it.


Monday, July 20, 2020

Lace Leaf and Lemons

“Lace Leaf and Lemons”
Oil on Linen, 10” x 8”

I set this up for a Zoom session with my fellow Friday afternoon sketchers. Normally, we are pens and sketchbooks at the local coffee shop but since we are home during the pandemic, I’m painting away at my studio.

Friday, June 26, 2020

Lemon Slice on a Ledge

“Lemon Slice on a Ledge”
Oil on Canvas Board, 4” x 4”

Another tiny lemon, this one has been sitting around for awhile so I could fix a few things.
Mission accomplished!

Saturday, June 20, 2020

White Bowl II

“White Bowl II”
Oil on Wood, 6” x 6”

I don’t know what it is about an empty bowl, but I’m just drawn to this image.

Friday, May 29, 2020

Monday, May 18, 2020

“My Kinda Town”

“My Kinda Town”
Oil on Linen, 12” x 16”

Croton on Hudson, NY.  The blue hills in the background are actually
on the other side of the Hudson River.

Sunday, May 3, 2020

“Brooklyn Bridge from Vinegar Hill”

“Brooklyn Bridge from Vinegar Hill”
Oil on Linen, 10” x 8”

I’ve come to realize that there is every chance I will go back into a painting and alter it.
Well, here it is for now! I love the mysterious cobblestone hidden roads of the city, with the occasional view of a landmark.

Saturday, April 25, 2020


Oil on Wood, 6” x 8”

Yet another revisitation of an old painting. I loved bringing out the highlights, showing that warm wonderful Italian sun. This was from a show I did with Lavinia Wiggins called “Postcards,” about places we’ve been or wanted to have been. I still would like to go to Venice!

Thursday, April 23, 2020

“Motif Number One”

“Motif Number One”
Oil on Canvas, 8“ x 6”

There is actually this little shed that has been painted by so many people that it is considered the Number 1 painting motif in the United States. It is in Rockport Massachusetts, and there is a Wikipedia article about it, just google the title! This is an older painting but it needed work.

Monday, April 13, 2020

Tomato on White

“Tomato on White”
Oil on Wood, 6” x 6”

I took a break from watching news of the virus to paint this innocent little tomato.

Sunday, February 23, 2020

Along Cleveland Drive

“Along Cleveland Drive”
Oil on Wood, 8” x 10”

Just as the sun is about to set on a cold January day, the magic hour glow makes these houses shine.

Thursday, December 12, 2019



This chicken was all over the place, hard to get a picture! 
I’ve been so busy with my annual Holiday Boutique, I haven’t painted a new picture
for weeks. This is a first in a long time.

Thursday, September 26, 2019

“Maple Road, Croton on Hudson”

“Maple Road, Croton on Hudson”
Oil on Canvas, 8” x 10”

I’ve always been attracted to foggy days, but don’t often take one on as a painting.
On Martha’s Vineyard I saw the most wonderful artist named Kara Taylor, who painted huge surrealistic pieces but also some small, dreamy landscapes. In these small pieces she used encaustic to the most wonderful effect, which I may someday try!