I painted this guy last year and liked him so much, I made a cute pillow from an online site with the image. But he had what looked like a gimpy wing! I re- studied the source material from morguefile.com, so now at least he should be able to fly.
Saturday, February 24, 2018
6" x 6," Oil on Wood
I think it's a sparrow. I once raised a sparrow from babyhood when I was young. We slowly got her used to being outside . I remember teaching her how to fly. There was an interim during the summer when she lived outside, but every morning she would come to my window and chirp until I would wake up, open the window and let her inside. I would then go down to the kitchen and feed her.
I painted this on the side of the lake early spring 2017. It was chilly, but I was happy with the piece! However the background always seemed too dominant. I've lightened it up in order to push it back and give more depth to the scene.
This is a strange, the bluebird head doesn't seem to belong to the woodpeckerish body.
But I never tire of the gorgeous colors and patterns. I sorta feel like I should be out there, trekking, tracking and identifying these little guys, but what I really want to do is just paint 'em.
It's been awhile since I painted a bird. I believe it's an eastern bluebird. Funny how each one seems to develop a personality that goes beyond the initial photograph. Often I find when I paint something I discover much more about the subject during the process.
Every summer I have a plot in our community organic garden. My success is uneven but the 'cut and come again' zinnias are always a success. I think they're one of the most beautiful flowers in eastern U.S.!
I must've had a loose screw to attempt this. All those what you call em's, oh I looked it up, threads. On a 4" x 4" painting! I count 14. So I wiped the piece back down to the underpainting, which looks pretty good compared to what I just deleted. Maybe I will re-attempt this, I'm thinking very transparent and let the underpainting do the job.
I've been on vacation for almost two weeks, and this is the first painting I've done since. It's always tricky doing that 'first one' and it was kind of tough, but then I got into adjusting the curves and edges.
Exciting day at the library tomorrow - Adriana Trigiani, yes that Adriana Trigiani, is coming to speak at a fundraiser.
Well, this is a blast from the past. This was painted from a photo that was taken before the wicked winter, back when warm yellows and oranges existed in nature. It's funny to look at in February...the colors are a little intense!
I was coming home last October from a painting workshop with Andrew Lattimore.
There is a a strange phenomenon: after painting all day visual sensitivity becomes heightened and colors, shapes and lines seem irresistibly beautiful.
It gets a little crazy when I'm looking at a dull grey landscape and think "This is absolutely gorgeous." On the other hand....sometimes it is! In this case however, the late afternoon sky was
It's tricky driving around in the snow taking pictures, but it was so beautiful out along the Hudson River. I didn't see any other cars, everyone was staying home!